To the Centenary of the Birthday of the Outstanding Physicist I.Z. Fisher


  • V. M. Adamyan -
  • O. D. Alekhin -
  • M. O. Anisimov -
  • J. Barthel -
  • L. A. Bulavin -
  • V. Ya. Gotsulskiy -
  • M. P. Kovalenko -
  • I. M. Koval’ -
  • Yu. P. Krasnyj -
  • V. E. Kruglov -
  • M. I. Lebovka -
  • S. Magazu -
  • G. Maisano -
  • V. O. Mazur -
  • G. G. Malenkov -
  • M. P. Malomuzh -
  • G. E. Norman -
  • M. M. Rodnikova -
  • V. M. Sysoev -
  • A. I. Fisenko -
  • B. A. Veytsman -





February 24, 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the prominent physicist-theorist Iosif Zalmanovich Fisher, Professor of I.I. Mechnikov University of Odessa. He was born in Minsk. The young guy became fully aware of the horror of Stalin’s repressions. At the end of 1937, his father was executed by shooting. The same year, his mother was sentenced to a prison term of seven years. In 1941, on the eve of the war, he graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State University (BSU).



How to Cite

Adamyan, V. M., Alekhin, O. D., Anisimov, M. O., Barthel, J., Bulavin, L. A., Gotsulskiy, V. Y., Kovalenko, M. P., Koval’, I. M., Krasnyj, Y. P., Kruglov, V. E., Lebovka, M. I., Magazu, S., Maisano, G., Mazur, V. O., Malenkov, G. G., Malomuzh, M. P., Norman, G. E., Rodnikova, M. M., Sysoev, V. M., Fisenko, A. I., & Veytsman, B. A. (2019). To the Centenary of the Birthday of the Outstanding Physicist I.Z. Fisher. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 64(3), 266.




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