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UJP Style
UJP Template
UJP Style (utf-8)
UJP Template (utf-8)
Example (utf-8)
1. General information
The Ukrainian Journal of Physics (UJP) publishes original scientific and review papers in the field of experimental and theoretical physics which are finished studies, contain essentially new results, and are of a broad scientific interest. The paper must be physically and mathematically justified, and it must meet the UJP style regulations. The Ukrainian Journal of Physics does not publish patents, author's certificates, inventions of intellectual property, ideological proposals or notes, popular science papers, etc.
Journal sections
- Fields and elementary particles (fields theory, elementary particles, gravitation, high energy physics, nuclear physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, cosmology, electroweak interaction, strong interaction);
- Optics, atoms and molecules (atoms, molecules, optical phenomena, lasers, quantum optics, quantum information, photonics, nanophotonics, metamaterials, imaging);
- General physics (thermodynamics, statistical physics, kinetics, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, superconductivity, acoustics, fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, computational physics);
- Plasma physics (plasma, high-temperature plasma, low-temperature plasma, dusty plasma, plasma discharges, plasma waves, plasma confiment, plasma acceleration, plasma fusion, magnetohydrodynamics);
- Physics of liquids and liquid systems, biophysics and medical physics (liquids, liquid systems, quantum liquids, ionic liquids, molecular liquids, phase transitions, critical phenomena, hydrogen bonds, biophysics, medical physics);
- Liquid crystals and polymers (liquid crystals, liquid crystal colloids, nematics, smectics, cholesterics, Frederics transition, polymers, elastomers, elastic interaction, topological defects);
- Semiconductors and dielectrics (semiconductors, dielectrics, paraelectrics, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, crystal lattices, defects, excitons, silicons, nanocrystals);
- Physics of magnetic phenomena and physics of ferroics (magnetic phenomena and physics of ferroics, magnetism, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetics, feroelectics, antiferoelectrics, ferroics, spintronics, spin waves, magnetostriction);
- Surface physics (surface science, low-dimensional systems, nanoparticles, thin films, interfaces, diffusion, adhesion, friction, surface waves, surface tesion);
- Structure of materials (material structure, spectroscopy, radiation physics, neutron scattering, nanoscale materials, metals, alloys, composites, phase diagrams, amorphous materials);
- Chronicle (chronicle, bibliography, personalia).
- History of physics.
2. Language
The journal is published in the form of three separate editions:
i) with subscription index 08083 and ISSN 0372-400X in the language of the submitted manuscript, i.e., in Ukrainian for the authors from Ukraine (with abstracts in English), in English for the authors from other countries (with abstracts in Ukrainian);
ii) with subscription index 74500 and ISSN 2071-0186 in English only with abstracts in Ukrainian; and
iii) in electronic form with ISSN 2071-0194.
The papers submitted in Ukrainian are translated into English either by the author or, if the author cannot provide an appropriate translation, by the UJP staff. The latter is done free of charge for the authors, but they should provide the English translation of the paper title, names and initials of the author and coauthors, and abstract. In addition the author should submit the translation of specific terms used in the paper as well as the translation of all proper names mentioned in the text of the paper. The references to translated books should be supplied with the data on the original edition. UJP does not translate the papers submitted in English into Ukrainian. Because of limited funding, the UJP Editorial Office publishes only the English-language issue in full length, whereas the decision in regard to publishing the same paper in Ukrainian is taken by the editors separately each time.
3. Selection of papers
After being submitted, every paper is directed to a Section Editor responsible for the journal section selected by the author. The Section Editor appoints several reviewers (minimum two) working in the corresponding field. The reviewers give their professional evaluation of the paper. Based on the reports received from the reviewers, the Section Editor makes a decision whether the paper can be accepted for publication or rejected (in the both cases, the Section Editor sends the reviewer's reports to the author). The reason for rejection can be a negative review, unconformity to the journal scope, the lack of novelty, etc. If the review on the paper contains remarks, the paper is first sent to the author for revision. If the paper does not correspond to the journal scope or it was not submitted in appropriate form, it can be rejected by the Section Editor prior to the peer review stage.
4. The publication in UJP is free of charge
After the accepted paper was edited, the proof is sent by e-mail to the corresponding author for final approval. After being published, the final version of the paper is sent to the corresponding author in PDF format by e-mail. The publication in UJP foresees no author emoluments and royalties.
Paper submission and correspondence with the author
1. Paper submission
The paper should be submitted in electronic form through the UJP online editorial system (additional instructions can be found at the link). If the author is submitting his/her paper for the first time thought the online editorial system, he/she should first register in the system by filling up the online registration form. After being registered, the author will get a password to access his/her personal cabinet (author's cabinet). To submit a new paper, the author should proceed to the section "New submission" in his/her cabinet and complete five consecutive steps that will be proposed by the editorial system. After the new paper is submitted, the author will receive a confirmation e-mail with unique number assigned to the paper and the paper will appear in the paper list in the author's cabinet, where the author will be able to trace the status of his/her paper continuously. If the paper is sent to the author for revision, the revised version of the paper can be submitted in the same way from the author's cabinet.
2. Documentation
In the process of paper submission, the author will be invited to sign the Copyright Agreement for the publication of the paper. The Copyright Agreement is assumed to be signed if the author has confirmed his consent with the text of the Agreement by ticking a box in the corresponding field of the online form. The electronic editorial system will not allow the author to proceed with the submission if the Copyright Agreement is not signed. If the author is an employer of an institution with restricted research regulations and the submitted material can include some non-disclosure elements, the author should additionally provide the cover letter from his/her institution with the official permission for publication and upload a copy of this letter together with the paper. The Ukrainian Journal of Physics, its founders, publisher, editors, Editorial Board members, and employers carry no responsibility for any possible violations of the existing legislation of Ukraine or any other country by the author.
3. Correspondence with the author
The paper having been registered, the official confirmation with the corresponding reference number is sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. All further correspondence with the author is carried out by the Section Editor, who is responsible for the journal section where the paper was submitted to. The final decision regarding the acceptance/rejection of the paper is also sent to the author by e-mail through the electronic editorial system.
4. Galleys
After the accepted paper was edited, the galleys are sent by e-mail to the corresponding author for the final approval. The author should send his/her corrections in three working days from the date the galleys were sent. If the Editorial Office did not receive the reply in three working days, the paper is published as it is. No further corrections are possible from that moment.
5. Publication
After the publication, the final version of the paper is sent to the corresponding author in pdf format by e-mail. UJP does not provide the authors with author proofs in print form.