Внесок українських вчених у розвиток оптики


  • I. V. Korsun Volodymyr Gnatyuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil



Ключові слова:

українськi вченi, прикладна оптика, фiзична оптика, спектроскопiя, нелiнiйна оптика


Доведено важливiсть дослiджень українських вчених у становленнi оптики як науки. Проаналiзовано значний внесок робiт науковцiв АН УРСР. Визначено прiоритетнiсть низки дослiджень українських вчених у свiтовiй науцi. Звернено увагу на педагогiчну та просвiтницьку роботу вчених. Матерiал систематизовано згiдно з вiдповiдними роздiлами оптики.


A. Kogar et al. Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide. Science 358, No. 6368, 1314 (2017).


A. Prikhotjko. Absorption spectra of crystals at low temperatures. J. Phys. USSR 8, 257 (1944).

A.F. Prikhotko. Research of the spectra of molecular crystals at low temperatures. Opt. Spektrosk. 3, No. 5, 434 (1957) (in Russian).

A.S.Davydov.Theory ofMolecular Excitons (Plenum, 1971).


V.L. Broude, E.I. Rashba, E.F. Sheka. Spectroscopy of Molecular Excitons (Springer, 1985).


Antonina Fedorivna Prykhotko (to her 100th birthday). Ukr. J. Phys. 51, No. 4, 327 (2006).

Mykhailo Pavlovych Lisitsa (to his 85th birthday). Ukr. J. Phys. 51, No. 4, 423 (2006).

O. Proskura. Creative work regardless of obstacles: The Ukrainian physicist Oleksandr Goldmann (1884-1971). Ukr. J. Phys. 51, No. 10, 1028 (2006).

A. Tan'shyna. To the 110-th anniversary of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine B.G. Lazarev's birthday. Ukr. J. Phys. 61, No. 8, 753 (2016).


V.G. Lytovchenko. Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Vadym Evgenovych Lashkaryov: The outstanding physicist of the 20-th century, the discoverer of a p−n-junction (to the 55-th anniversary of the Foundation of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the NAS of Ukraine). Ukr. J. Phys. 61, No. 2, 181 (2016).


V.G. Lytovchenko. On some important results in semiconductor surface science obtained in Ukraine during the independence years (1991-2016). Ukr. J. Phys. 62, No. 1, 80 (2017).


V.P. Linnyk, V.E. Lashkaryov. Methods of X-ray focusing. Ukr Fiz. Zap. 1, No. 1, 5 (1926) (in Ukrainian).

V.P. Linnyk, V.E. Lashkaryov. Determination of the X-ray refractive index from the total internal reflection phenomenon. Ukr. Fiz. Zap. 1, No. 2-3, 3 (1927) (in Ukrainian).

W. Linnik. Method of determining the position of the symmetry axis of a crystal by means of X-rays. Nature 124, No. 3138, 946 (1929).


W. Linnik. Der Interferenzversuch von Lloyd mit R¨ontgenstrahlen. Z. Phys. 65, No. 1-2, 107 (1930).


V.P. Linnik. Academician D.S. Rozhdestvenskii's works in microscopy. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 5, No. 6, 622 (1941) (in Russian) .

V.P. Linnik. Kepler's works in optics (On the 400th anniversary of his birth). Usp. Fiz. Nauk 109, No. 1, 167 (1973) (in Russian).


G.G. Kordun. Soviet Physicists (Vyshcha Shkola, 1975) (in Ukrainian).

G.G. De-Mets. General Methodology of Teaching Physics. Theory and Practice of Teaching (DVU, 1929) (in Ukrainian).

G.G. De-Mets. Centenary of metric system (1799–1899). Fiz. Obozr. 2, 5 (1901) (in Russian).

L.I. Mandelshtam. On the problem of light scattering by an inhomogeneous medium. Zh. Russ. Fiz. Khim. Obshch. 58, 381 (1926) (in Russian).

L. Brillouin. Diffusion de la lumi`ere et des rayons X par un corps transparent homog`ene. Influence de l'agitation thermique. Ann. Phys. 17, 88 (1922).


Gr. Landsberg, L. Mandelstam. Eine neue Erscheinung bei der Lichtzerstreuung in Krystallen. Naturwissenschaften 16, H. 27, 557 (1928).

A.G. Goldman, A.I. Proskur. On the nature of Gudden–Pohl effect. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 150, No. 3, 519 (1963) (in Russian).

S.I. Pekar.The theory of electromagnetic waves in a crystal in which excitons are produced. Zh. ` Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 33, No. 4, 1022 (1958) (in Russian).

E.F. Gross. Excitons and their motion in crystal lattices. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 76, No. 3, 433 (1962) (in Russian).


S.I. Pekar. Crystal Optics and Additional Light Waves (Naukova Dumka, 1982) (in Ukrainian).

S.I. Pekar. Crystal Optics and Additional Light Waves (Benjamin. 1983).

I. Obreimow, A. Prichotjko. Die Absorptionsspektren der Krystalle einiger Verbindungen der aromatischen Reihe bei niedrigen Temperaturen. Phys. Z. Sow. 1, 203 (1932).

E. Gross, M. Vuks. Sur le nouveau type du spectre de diffusion des cristaux et la structure des liquides. J. Phys. Radium 7, No. 3, 113 (1936).


E.F. Gross. Excitation spectrum of excitons in crystal lattice. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 63, No. 3, 575 (1957) (in Russian).


V.L. Broude, A.F. Prikhotko, E.I. Rashba. Some problems of crystal luminescence. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 67, No. 1, 99 (1959) (in Russian).


Absorption Spectra of Molecular Crystals. Benzene, and Some of Its Homologs. Edited by V.L. Broude, A.F. Prikhotko (Naukova Dumka, 1965) (in Russian).

A.S. Davydov. Theory of Light Absorption in Molecular Crystals (Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1951) (in Russian).

A.S. Davydov, Solid State Theory (Academic Press, 1980).

Yu.B. Gaididei, V.M. Loktev. Oleksandr Sergiyovych Davydov (1912–1993). Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 58, No. 6, 513 (2013) (in Ukrainian).


E.A. Tikhonov, M.T. Shpak. Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Organic Compounds (Naukova Dumka, 1979) (in Russian).

N.I. Ostapenko, V.I. Sugakov, M.T. Shpak. Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals (Naukova Dumka, 1988) (in Ukrainian).

N.I. Ostapenko, V.I. Sugakov, M.T. Shpak. Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals (Kluwer, 1993).


M.U. Belyi. Luminescence and Absorption in Electrolyte Solutions. Dr. Sci. thesis (Kyiv, 1964) (in Russian).

M.P. Lisitsa, L.I. Berezhinskii, M.Ya. Valakh. Fiber Optics (Tekhnika, 1968) (in Russian).

M.P. Lisitsa, M.Ya. Valakh. Entertaining Optics: Atmospheric and Cosmic Optics (Logos, 2002) (in Russian).

M.P. Lisitsa, E.F. Wenger. Entertaining Optics: Physio-logical Optics. The People's World (Vyshcha Shkola, 2003) (in Russian).

V.L. Broude, V.V. Yeremenko, E.I. Rashba. Light absorption by CdS crystals. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 114, No. 3, 520 (1957) (in Russian).

V.V. Yeremenko. Luminescence of CdS crystals. Opt. Spectrosk. 4, No. 3, 348 (1958) (in Russian).

V.L. Broude, V.V. Yeremenko, N.N. Chikovani. Structure of absorption and photoconductivity spectra of CdS crystals at 20 K. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 119, No. 5, 911 (1958) (in Russian).

V.V. Yeremenko, V.S. Medvedev. On the dependence of photoconductivity and luminescence intensity of anthracene crystals on the exciting light wavelength. Fiz. Tverd. Tela 2, No. 7, 1572 (1960) (in Russian).

V.V. Yeremenko, Yu.G. Litvinenko, E.M. Ogneva. Temperature dependence of the band intensity of "cooperative" light absorption by crystalline oxygen. Zh. ` Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 48, No. 6, 1611 (1965) (in Russian).

I.I. Kondilenko, P.A. Korotkov. Introduction to Atomic Spectroscopy (Vyshcha Shkola, 1976) (in Russian).

I.I. Kondilenko, P.A. Korotkov, A.I. Khizhnyak. Physics of Lasers (Vyshcha Shkola, 1984) (in Russian).

Academician Leonid Isaakovich Mandelshtam (Collection of papers) (Znanie, 1980) (in Russian).



Як цитувати

Korsun, I. V. (2018). Внесок українських вчених у розвиток оптики. Український фізичний журнал, 63(10), 943. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe63.10.943


