Possible Modification of the Standard Cosmological Model to Resolve a Tension with Hubble Constant Values


  • S.L. Parnovsky Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University




cosmology, Hubble constant, tension, dark matter, dark energy


The tensions concerning the values of Hubble constant obtained from the early and the late Universe data pose a significant challenge to modern cosmology. Possible modifications of the flat homogeneous isotropic cosmological ΛCDM model are considered, in which the Universe contains the dark energy, cold baryonic matter, and dark matter. They are based on general relativity and satisfy two requirements: (1) the value of the Hubble constant calculated from the value of the Hubble parameter at the recombination by formulas of the flat ΛCDM model, should be equal to 92% of the one based on low-redshift observations; (2) deviations from the ΛCDM model should not lead to effects that contradict astronomical observations and estimations obtained thereof. The analysis showed that there are few opportunities for the choice. Either we should consider DM with negative pressure −pdmc2 ≪ pdm < 0, which weakly affects the evolution of the Universe and the observed manifestations of DM, or we should admit the mechanism of generation of new matter, for example, by the dark energy decay.


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How to Cite

Parnovsky, S. (2021). Possible Modification of the Standard Cosmological Model to Resolve a Tension with Hubble Constant Values. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 66(9), 739. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe66.9.739



Fields and elementary particles