
Current Issue

Vol. 69 No. 8 (2024)
					View Vol. 69 No. 8 (2024)
Published: 2024-09-22

Physics of magnetic phenomena and physics of ferroics


  • Vyacheslav Fedorovych Klepikov (to his 75th birthday)

    M.O. Azarenkov, A.V. Babich, M.I. Bazaleev, V.V. Bryukhovetsky, V.A. Bilous, L.A. Bulavin, I.Ye. Garkusha, I.O. Girka, V.Y. Denisov, Yu.L. Zabulonov, I.M. Karnauhov, Yu.O. Kasatkin, I.V. Kyryllin, G.D. Kovalenko, O.O. Konovalenko, V.Yu. Korda, I.O. Kocheshev, P.E. Kuznietsov, I.M. Neklyudov, V.V. Lytvynenko, V.I. Slisenko, Yu.V. Slyusarenko, V.Yu. Storizhko, G.D. Tolstolutska, I.M. Onishchenko, O.O. Popov, P.M. Ostapchuk, E.M. Prokhorenko
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Ukrainian Journal of Physics
General physics journal
Founded in April of 1956

Certificate of state registration of print media (official source):
KB № 20367-10167ПР from 23.09.2013

Periodicity: 12 times per year

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Founder: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Publisher: Publishing house "Academperiodika"

Editor in Chief: Anatoliy Glibovych Zagorodny
Executive Secretary: Dmytro V. Piatnytskyi

Editorial Office address:
14-b Metrolohichna str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028
Tel: +380(44) 521-31-88 


Ukrainian Journal of Physics is the general physics edition of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The journal publishes original papers and reviews in the fields of experimental and theoretical physics; research on particle physics, nuclear, atomic and molecular physics; research on optics and quantum electronics, gases, plasmas, condensed matter physics, statistical and quantum physics and nanophysics.

UJP Sections

  1. Fields and elementary particles
  2. Optics, atoms and molecules
  3. General physics
  4. Plasma physics
  5. Physics of liquids and liquid systems, biophysics and medical physics
  6. Liquid crystals and polymers
  7. Semiconductors and dielectrics
  8. Physics of magnetic phenomena and physics of ferroics
  9. Surface science
  10. Material structure
  11. Chronicle 
European Physical Society UJP is recognized by the European Physical Society

Old Archive (before 2013)

UJP cooperates with

Ukrainian Physical Society (,

major institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine including

 as well as major Ukrainian universities including


and Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (