Acoustic Studies of the Effect of X-ray Irradiation on the Dynamic Drag of Dislocations in LiF Crystals


  • G.O. Petchenko Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine





The dislocation resonance in LiF single crystals with the residual deformation ε = 1.5% is studied by the pulsed method in the range of radiation doses 0–660 R and the frequency range 22.5–232.5 MHz at room temperature. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, it is established that the X-ray irradiation of the crystals results in a significant change of the frequency and amplitude localizations of the dislocation resonance due to the variation of the mean effective length of a dislocation segment, whereas the viscosity coefficient B remains constant.


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How to Cite

Petchenko Г. (2022). Acoustic Studies of the Effect of X-ray Irradiation on the Dynamic Drag of Dislocations in LiF Crystals. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 56(4), 339.



Solid matter