Localized States in a Nonlinear Medium Containing a Plane Defect Layer with Nonlinear Properties


  • I.V. Gerasimchuk Institute of Magnetism, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine
  • P.K. Gorbach National Aviation University
  • P.P. Dovhopolyi National Aviation University






In the framework of the quasiclassical approach, the soliton states localized near a plane defect layer with nonlinear properties at different signs of nonlinearity and different characters of the interaction between elementary excitations in the system and the defect layer have been studied. The quantum-mechanical interpretation of corresponding nonlinear localized modes is proposed in terms of bound states of a large number of elementary excitations. The existence domains for such states are determined. The properties of those states and their dependence on the character of the interaction of elementary excitations with one another and with the defect are studied.


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How to Cite

Gerasimchuk, I., Gorbach, P., & Dovhopolyi, P. (2012). Localized States in a Nonlinear Medium Containing a Plane Defect Layer with Nonlinear Properties. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57(6), 678. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe57.6.678



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