Modeling of the Mechanisms of Charge Carrier Transport in HgCdTe and InSb Photodiodes in the 3–5-μm Spectral Interval


  • V. Tetyorkin V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • Z. Tsybrii V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • V. Slipokurov V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • A. Yevmenova V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • K. Andrieieva V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • O. Kosulya V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine



IR photodiodes, HgCdTe, InSb, charge carrier transport mechanisms, dark current simulation


An important problem for HgCdTe and InSb photodiodes is the excess dark current, which dominates at operating reverse bias voltages and exceeds the generation-recombination current in the space charge region. As a rule, the excess current has the bulk and surface components and causes the 1/f -type low-frequency noise, which affects the ampere-watt sensitivity and detectivity of photodiodes. In most performed studies, the tunnel nature of the excess current and its connection with the manufacturing technology of initial materials and photodiodes are noted. Using theoretical models, dark current calculations have been performed, and their results have been compared with experimental results obtained from the studies of photodiodes based on epitaxial films of p-Hg1−xCdxTe (x ≈ 0.3) and single crystals n-InSb. A conclusion is drawn that the structure of the sensitive region in photodiodes manufactured making use of ion implantation and diffusion methods is more complicated than that in existing models. Therefore, the latter can be used as a first approximation for the qualitative and quantitative explanations of experimental results.


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How to Cite

Tetyorkin, V., Tsybrii, Z., Slipokurov, V., Yevmenova, A., Andrieieva, K., & Kosulya, O. (2025). Modeling of the Mechanisms of Charge Carrier Transport in HgCdTe and InSb Photodiodes in the 3–5-μm Spectral Interval. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 70(1), 56.



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