Interferometry and Dynamics of a Transmon-Type Qubit in Front of a Mirror


  • M.P. Liul B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, Cluster for Pioneering Research



transmon-type qubit, two-level quantum system, density matrix, Lindblad equation, quantum interference


We will theoretically describe the stationary regime and coherent dynamics of a capacitively shunted transmon-type qubit which is placed in front of a mirror. The considered qubit is irradiated by two signals: pump (dressing) and probe. By changing the amplitudes and frequencies of these signals, we will study the system behavior. The main tool of our theoretical analysis is solving the Lindblad equation. We also discuss the transfer of Lindblad superoperators from the energy basis to the charge one. Theoretically obtained occupation probability is related to the experimentally measured value. This study helps to understand better the properties of qubit-mirror system and gives new insights about the underlying physical processes.


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How to Cite

Liul, M. (2025). Interferometry and Dynamics of a Transmon-Type Qubit in Front of a Mirror. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 70(1), 16.



General physics