A First-Principles Study of Structure, Elastic and Electronic Properties of GeTiO3 as Environmentally Innocuous Ferroelectric Perovskites


  • G.K. Shiferaw Department of Physics, Wollega University
  • M.W. Menberu Department of Physics, Jimma University




density functional theory, elastic properties, electronic structure, spontaneous polarization, GeTiO3 compound


The structural parameters, elastic properties, spontaneous polarization, electronic band structure, and density of states (DOS) of GeTiO3 in tetragonal phase have been studied computationally using pseudopotential plane-wave (PP-PW) method based on the density functional theory (DFT). The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) was used to estimate the exchange-correlation energies. The equilibrium lattice parameter, unit cell volume, bulk modulus and its derivative are obtained and compared with the available theoretical data. The elastic characteristics such as elastic constants, Poisson’s ratio, elastic modulus, and anisotropy factor are obtained in the pressure range 0–50 GPa. Our computed results of elastic constant satisfy Born’s stability criterion. In view of Pugh’s prediction standard, the material is taken as ductile. Once the elastic constant is calculated, the Debye temperature of GeTiO3 compound is also evaluated from the average sound velocity. The density of states, band structures, and charge-density distribution are discussed and compared with previous computational results. The calculation within Berry’s phase approach indicate a high spontaneous polarization of tetragonal GeTiO3 (1.125 C/m2). Thus, the substance is identifi ed as a promising environmentally friendly ferroelectric material.


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How to Cite

Shiferaw, G., & Menberu, M. (2021). A First-Principles Study of Structure, Elastic and Electronic Properties of GeTiO3 as Environmentally Innocuous Ferroelectric Perovskites. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 66(6), 539. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe66.6.539



Structure of materials