Magnon-Plasmon Polaritons in the Layered Structure Metal–Ferrite with a Periodic Stripe-Like Structure of Domains
magnon-plasmon polariton, ferrite, periodic stripe-like domain structureAbstract
The theory of magnon-plasmon polaritons in the layered structure metal–ferrite–air is presented. It is assumed that the ferrite has an easy-axis anisotropy, and, in the absence of a magnetization field, it is in an unsaturated state with a periodic stripe-like domain structure. A dispersion dependence for magnon-plasmon polaritons and corresponding microwave field distributions in a waveguide structure based on BaFe12O19-type hexaferrite are found. Effects associated with the hybridization of surface plasmon polaritons and domain resonances in the ferrite layer are analyzed. General characteristics of magnon-plasmon-polariton millimeter-wave resonators are discussed.
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