Recent Results from the FASER Experiment at the LHC
dark photons, Axion-like-particles, 3 neutrino flavorAbstract
The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), is an LHC experiment that aims to: (1) detect and study TeV-energy neutrinos, the most energetic neutrinos ever detected from a humanmade source and (2) search for new light and very weakly interacting particles. The FASER detector is located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS p-p interaction point, along the beam collision axis. FASER was designed, constructed, installed, and commissioned during 2019–2022 and has been taking physics data since the start of LHC Run 3 in July 2022. Recently, FASER reported the first measurement of ve and vμ interaction cross sections at the LHC with its sub-detector FASERv , FASER’s emulsion detector, first results on Axion-Like Particles at FASER and dark photons limits. These results will be reported in this article.
H. Abreu et al. (FASER Collaboration). The FASER Detector. Journal of Instrumentation 19, P05066 (2024).
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FASER Collaborations. Technical proposal: FASERnu. arXiv:2001.03073v1 (2020).
H. Abreu et al. (FASER Colaboration). Search for dark photons with the FASER detector at the LHC. Phys. Lett. B 848, 138378 (2024).
FASER Collaboration. Search for axion-like particles in photonic final states with the FASER detector at the LHC. CERN-FASER-CONF-2024-001 (2024).
H. Abreu et al. (FASER Colaboration).4 Detecting and studying high-energy collider neutrinos with FASER at the LHC. Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 61 (2020).
H. Abreu et al. (FASER Colaboration). First direct observation of collider neutrinos with FASER at the LHC. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 031801 (2024).
M. Abraham et al. (FASER Colaboration). First Measurement of the ve and vμ interaction cross sections at the LHC with FASER’s emulsion detector. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 021802 (2024).
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