Recent Results from Precision Measurements at the NA62 Experiment


  • P.-C. Boboc Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering
  • on behalf of the NA62 collaboration



pion decays, kaon decays, chiral perturbation theory


Experiment NA62 at CERN collected the world’s largest dataset of charged Kaons, the main goal being the measurement of the B (K+ → π+vv- ). New results from the analyses of rare kaon and pion decays using data samples collected in 2017–2018 are presented. A sample of K+ → π+γγ decays was collected using a minimum-bias trigger and measurement of the branching ratio, study of the di-photon mass spectrum, and the first search for production and prompt decay of an axion-like particle with gluon coupling in the process K+ → π+A, A → γγ are reported. Additionally, a sample of π0 → e+e- decays was collected, using a dedicated scaled down di-electron trigger, and preliminary results for the branching ratio are reported.


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How to Cite

Boboc, P.-C., & on behalf of the NA62 collaboration. (2024). Recent Results from Precision Measurements at the NA62 Experiment. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(11), 781.


