Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity


  • L. Csillag Department of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University
  • T. Harko Department of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University, Astronomical Observatory



cosmological models, semi-symmetric metric gravity, general relativity, torsion tensor, Hubble function


We will study a geometric extension of general relativity, which is based on a connection with a special type of torsion. This connection satisfies that its torsion tensor is fully determined by a vectorial degree of freedom, and it was first introduced by Friedmann and Schouten. We explore its physical implications by presenting three cosmological models within the considered geometric extension of GR, and compare the predictions of the models with those of ΛCDM and the observational data of the Hubble function. Our results show that the geometry envisioned by Friedmann could explain the observational data for the Hubble function without the need of dark energy.


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How to Cite

Csillag, L., & Harko, T. (2024). Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(7), 484.



Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Physics and Mathematics