Symmetry and Value of the Order Parameter in 2d Nematic Superconductors


  • V.M. Loktev Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • V. Turkowski Department of Physics, University of Central Florida



theory of superconductivity, 2D systems, nematicity


We derive equations for the superconducting nematic order parameter and chemical potential for the hexagonal lattice by accounting for nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hoppings of electrons. By analyzing the energy of the superconducting ground state, we have found that the symmetry of the order parameter and some other superconducting properties of the system strongly depend on the sign and the magnitude of the next-nearest neighbor hopping. As we will demonstrate, both extended s- and d-pairings significantly contribute to the pairing in the system, that be tuned by changing the hopping parameters. We discuss a possible connection of the obtained results to the properties of several doped monolayer superconductors – graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides.


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How to Cite

Loktev, V., & Turkowski, V. (2024). Symmetry and Value of the Order Parameter in 2d Nematic Superconductors. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(8), 528.



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