Degrees of Freedom in Modified Teleparallel Gravity


  • A. Golovnev Centre for Theoretical Physics, The British University in Egypt



modified teleparallel gravity, (pseudo)Riemannian manifold, New General Relativity (New GR) models, quantum-field-theory


I discuss the issue of degrees of freedom in modified teleparallel gravity. These theories do have an extra structure on top of the usual (pseudo)Riemannian manifold, that of a flat parallel transport. This structure is absolutely abstract and unpredictable (pure gauge) in GRequivalent models, however, it becomes physical upon modifications. The problem is that, in the most popular models, this local symmetry is broken but not stably So, hence the infamous strong coupling issues. The Hamiltonian analyses become complicated and with contradictory results. A funny point is that what we see in available linear perturbation treatments of f (T) gravity is much closer to the analysis with less dynamical degrees of freedom which has got a well-known mistake in it, while the more accurate work predicts much more of dynamics than what has ever been seen till now. I discuss possible reasons behind this puzzle, and also argue in favor of studying the most general New GR models which are commonly ignored due to suspicion of ghosts.


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How to Cite

Golovnev, A. (2024). Degrees of Freedom in Modified Teleparallel Gravity. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(7), 456.



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