Modeling Water Clusters: Spectral Analyses, Gaussian Distribution, and Linear Function during Time




water clusters, Gaussian distribution, linear function, spectral analyses


Our experimental and theoretical studies have consistently revealed the presence of water clusters in various environments, particularly under hydrophobic conditions, where slower hydrogen ion interactions prevail. Crucial methods like Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method have played a pivotal role in our understanding of these clusters, unveiling their potential medical applications. The stability and behavior of these clusters can be influenced by factors such as metal ions’ presence, leading to stable clusters’ formation. This potential for medical applications should inspire hope and further research. Moreover, our research has revealed that water clusters exhibit characteristics of dissipative structures, demonstrating the self-organization under physical, chemical, or thermal changes akin to Rayleigh–Benard convection cells. This dynamic and significant behavior supports the notion that water’s role transcends simple chemistry, potentially influencing biological processes at a fundamental level. The interaction of water clusters with their environment and the ability to maintain non-equilibrium states through the energy exchanges further underscores their complexity and significance in both natural and technological contexts. Water filtration is a process for improving water quality. The effect is re-structuring hydrogen bonds and structuring water clusters, most of which are hexagonal. In our research, we applied filtered water using patented EVOdrop Swiss technology.


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How to Cite

Ignatov, I., Marinov, Y., Huether, F., Gluhchev, G., & Iliev, M. (2024). Modeling Water Clusters: Spectral Analyses, Gaussian Distribution, and Linear Function during Time. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(9), 632.



Physics of liquids and liquid systems, biophysics and medical physics