Parameters and Effects of Magnetic Field and Potassium Carbonate in Water. Applications


  • I. Ignatov Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)
  • I.K. Stankov National Sheep and Goat Breeding Association, NOKA, Trakia University



magnetic field, water, potassium carbonate, animal husbandry


The polar water molecule has an angle between the two-hydroxyl O–H bonds of 104.5. The unequal sharing of electrons gives a slight negative charge near the oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near the hydrogen atoms of the water molecule. Water is a polar solvent. Hydrogen electromagnetic bonds are formed between water molecules. They involve hydrogen atoms from one water molecule and oxygen from another one. A permanent magnetic field influences the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules. Current research by Wu and Brant, 2020 illustrates that the water conductivity at the magnetic induction B = 13500 or 1.35 T increases from 100 to 250 μS · cm−1. The amount of protons in water (H+) decreases with the water alkalization and increasing pH. The work by Yap and co-authors’ indicates that stronger effects on pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and dissolved oxygen (DO) are observed in the non-reversed polarity of the magnets. Our study uses a constant magnet with the magnetic induction B = 3000 G or 0.3 T; eight permanent magnets are applied to 1000 L of water. Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is also added, by increasing the alkalinity of water. The application is in livestock as drinking water for sheep and goats.


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How to Cite

Ignatov, I., & Stankov, I. (2024). Parameters and Effects of Magnetic Field and Potassium Carbonate in Water. Applications. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(5), 321.



Physics of liquids and liquid systems, biophysics and medical physics