Carrier Decay Lifetimes in the Narrow-gap Hg1–xCdxTe at the Interband and Intraband Excitations


  • S. Staryi V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • I. Lysjuk V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • O. Golenkov V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • Z. Tsybrii V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • S. Danilov Terahertz Center, University of Regensburg
  • J. Gumenjuk-Sichevska V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • K. Andrieieva V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • M. Smolii V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine
  • F. Sizov V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine



HgCdTe, lifetime, interband and intraband excitations, terahertz radiation


The lifetimes of photoconductive decay carriers under interband and intraband excitations are studied in epitaxial layers of narrow-gap Hg1−xCdxTe (x ∼0.2). Samples with large distances (>3 mm) between small-area electrical contacts and small distances (∼10 μm) with largearea contacts (THz antennas) are studied. The lifetimes of decay carriers for intraband and interband excitations are measured and compared. It has been established that, in samples with n-type conductivity, the lifetimes are comparable (in the interval of 40 ns) for both methods of excitation. At the same time, in samples with a small distance between contacts and a large area (bow-tie antennas), contacts make the main contribution to recombination. The elimination of recombination at the contacts leads to a lifetime of ∼10−6 s.


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How to Cite

Staryi, S., Lysjuk, I., Golenkov, O., Tsybrii, Z., Danilov, S., Gumenjuk-Sichevska, J., Andrieieva, K., Smolii, M., & Sizov, F. (2023). Carrier Decay Lifetimes in the Narrow-gap Hg1–xCdxTe at the Interband and Intraband Excitations. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 68(8), 543.



Semiconductors and dielectrics