Symmetry of Energy States in α-LiIO3 Crystals Taking Time-Inversion Invariance into Account


  • A.P. Naumenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • V.O. Gubanov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



crystal lattice dynamics, Brillouin zone, Jones zone, Raman spectroscopy, lithium iodate


Using the theory of the projective representations of groups, the non-degenerate representations of the wave vector groups at points Г, Δ, and А of the Brillouin zone for the α-LiIO3 crystal have been constructed, and their compatibility conditions have been found. The energy states of the α-LiIO3 crystal at those points are classified taking the time-inversion invariance into account, and their corresponding classification in the large (Jones) zone is provided. Based on experimentally measured first-order Raman spectra, the dispersion curves of phonon branches in the Г−А direction are plotted. Contributions of overtones and components at points Г and А to experimentally recorded second-order Raman spectrum have been discussed; their role in the second-order spectrum formation is associated with the considered features in the phonon state density at those points and the vibrational states of other critical points in the Brillouin zone. It has been concluded that the application of the quasi-molecular approximation is valid, when considering the lattice dynamics of α-LiIO3 crystals.


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How to Cite

Naumenko, A., & Gubanov, V. (2023). Symmetry of Energy States in α-LiIO3 Crystals Taking Time-Inversion Invariance into Account. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 68(6), 397.



Semiconductors and dielectrics