Investigation of the Spontaneous Spin-Flip Phase Transition in Terbium-yttrium Iron-Garnet by the Magnetooptic Method
The domain structure transformation and the technical magnetization of a Tb0.26Y2.74Fe5O12 single crystal have been studied by the magnetooptic method in the temperature region of a spontaneous spin-flip phase transition (SFPT). It has been found that the SFPT occurs in a finite temperature interval, where the low- and high-temperature magnetic phase domains coexist. We have observed the anomalies of the temperature dependences of the coercive force and the magnetooptic susceptibility of the crystal related to a transformation of its domain structure under the spin-flip. The experimental results obtained are interpreted within the framework of the SFPT theory for a cubic crystal. It has been demonstrated that the existing theory describes consistently the
evolution of the Tb0.26Y2.74Fe5O12 garnet domain structure under the spontaneous reorientation of the easy magnetization axis.
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