Role of Different Model Ingredients in the Exotic Cluster-Decay of 56Ni*


  • N.K. Dhiman Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Summer Hill





We consider the cluster decay of 56Ni* formed in heavy-ion collisions, by using different parameters proposed by different authors for the Fermi density distribution and the nuclear radius. Our study reveals that different technical parameters do not alter significantly the structure of fractional yields. The cluster decay half-lives of different clusters lie within ±10% for different Fermi density parameters and nuclear radii and, therefore, justify the current set of parameters used in the literature for the calculation of cluster decays.


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How to Cite

Dhiman, N. (2012). Role of Different Model Ingredients in the Exotic Cluster-Decay of 56Ni*. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57(8), 796.



Nuclei and nuclear reactions