Spectrum of Radiation from a Gaussian Source Microlensed by a Point Mass: Analytic Results


  • V.I. Zhdanov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Astronomical Observatory
  • D.V. Gorpinchenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"






Gravitational lensing deals with general-relativistic effects in the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. We consider wavelength-dependent  contributions in case of a (micro)lensing of an extended Gaussian source by a point mass under standard assumptions about the incoherent emission of different source elements. Analytical expressions for the power spectrum of a microlensed radiation, which are effective in case of a large source, are obtained. If the source center, the mass, and an observer are on a straight line, the power spectrum is found in a closed form in terms of a hypergeometric function. In the case of general locations of the lens and the source, the result is presented in the form of a series. Approximate analytic expressions for the power spectrum in the case of a large source and high frequencies are obtained.


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How to Cite

Zhdanov, V., & Gorpinchenko, D. (2021). Spectrum of Radiation from a Gaussian Source Microlensed by a Point Mass: Analytic Results. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57(10), 1083. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe57.10.1083



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