Influence of Tin Impurity on Recombination Characteristics in γ-Irradiated n-Si


  • M.M. Kras’ko Institute of Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine





The influence of the isovalent tin impurity on the lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers in Cz $n$-Si irradiated with γ-quanta from 60Со has been studied experimentally and analyzed. The behavior of the lifetime in γ-irradiated tin-doped n-Si was shown to be governed by the initial concentration of free electrons, n0. The lifetime degradation factor kτ is demonstrated to decrease in the low-resistance and to increase in the high-resistance n-Si samples, as the tin concentration in them grows. This fact can be explained by a competition of the main recombination centers in n-Si with Sn-complexes VO and SnV. The ratio between the reaction constants for the formation of VO and SnV defects is determined, as well as the cross-sections of hole capture by single- and double-charged acceptor states of SnV.


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How to Cite

Kras’ko, M. (2021). Influence of Tin Impurity on Recombination Characteristics in γ-Irradiated n-Si. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57(11), 1162.



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