Three-Particle Fields as a Method to Describe Baryons in Scattering Processes


  • O.S. Potiienko Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • I.V. Sharph Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • N.O. Chudak Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • T.M. Zelentsova Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • G.G. Neboga Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • K.K. Merkotan Odesa Polytechnic National University



multi-particle fields, subset of simultaneity, confinement


A model of three-particle fields has been proposed to describe baryons in elastic and inelastic scattering processes. The model makes it possible to describe the confinement of quarks in a hadron and, simultaneously, the interaction of quarks in various hadrons, when the latter collide. Such an interaction is provided by the exchange of bound states between two gluons that are also in the confinement state.


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How to Cite

Potiienko, O., Sharph, I., Chudak, N., Zelentsova, T., Neboga, G., & Merkotan, K. (2024). Three-Particle Fields as a Method to Describe Baryons in Scattering Processes. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 69(10), 695.



Fields and elementary particles

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