Fradkin Equation for a Spin-3/2 Particle in the Presence of External Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
Gel’fand–Yaglom formalism, spin-3/2 particle, Fradkin theory, external electromagnetic field, curved space-time, non-minimal interaction, Majorana particleAbstract
Fradkin’s model for a spin-3/2 particle in the presence of external fields is investigated. Applying the general Gel’fand–Yaglom formalism, we develop this model on the base of a set of six irreducible representations of the proper Lorentz group, making up a 20-component wave function. Applying the standard requirements such as the relativistic invariance, single nonzero mass, spin S =3/2, P-symmetry, and existence of a Lagrangian for the model, we derive a set of spinor equations, firstly in the absence of external fields. The 20-component wave function consists of a bispinor and a vector-bispinor. In the absence of external fields, the Fradkin model reduces to the minimal Pauli–Fierz (or Rarita–Schwinger) theory. Details of this equivalence are given. Then we take the presence of external electromagnetic fields into account. It turns out that the Fradkin equation in the minimal form contains an additional interaction term governed by electromagnetic tensor Fab. In addition, we consider the external curved space-time background. In the generally covariant case, the Fradkin equation contains the additional gravitational interaction term governed by the Ricci tensor Rab. If the electric charge of a particle is zero, the Fradkin model remains correct and describes a neutral Majorana-type spin-3/2 particle interacting additionally with the geometric background through the Ricci tensor.
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