A New Approach to the Approximate Analytic Solution of the Three-Dimensional Schrӧdinger Equation for Hydrogenic and Neutral Atoms in the Generalized Hellmann Potential Model
Schr¨odinger equation, Hellmann potential model, noncommutative quantum mechanics, star product, generalized Bopp’s shift methodAbstract
Within the framework of nonrelativistic noncommutative quantum mechanics using the improved approximation scheme to the centrifugal term for any l-states via the generalized Bopp’s shift method and standard perturbation theory, we have obtained the energy eigenvalues of a newly proposed generalized Hellmann potential model (the GHP model) for the hydrogenic atoms and neutral atoms. The potential is a superposition of the attractive Coulomb potential plus Yukawa one, and new central terms appear as a result of the effects of noncommutativity properties of space and phase in the Hellmann potential model. The obtained energy eigen-values appear as a function of the generalized gamma function, the discrete atomic quantum numbers (j, n, l, s and m), infinitesimal parameters (a, b, б) which are induced by the position-position and phase-phase noncommutativity, and, the dimensional parameters (Θ, 0) of the GHP model, in the nonrelativistic noncommutative three-dimensional real space phase (NC: 3D-RSP). Furthermore, we have shown that the corresponding Hamiltonian operator with (NC: 3D-RSP) symmetries is the sum of the Hamiltonian operator of the Hellmann potential model and two operators, the first one is the modified spin-orbit interaction, while the second is the modified Zeeman operator for the hydrogenic and neutral atoms.
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