Magnon Bose–Einstein Condensate and Supercurrents Over a Wide Temperature Range
magnon gas, parametric pumping, Bose–Einstein condensate, magnon superfluidity, magnon supercurrent, yttrium iron garnet (YIG)Abstract
Magnon Bose–Einstein Condensates (BECs) and supercurrents are coherent quantum phenomena, which appear on a macroscopic scale in parametrically populated solid state spin systems. One of the most fascinating and attractive features of these processes is the possibility of magnon condensation and supercurrent excitation even at room temperature. At the same time, valuable information about a magnon BEC state, such as its lifetime, its formation threshold, and coherence, is provided by experiments at various temperatures. Here, we use Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) spectroscopy for the investigation of the magnon BEC dynamics in a single-crystal film of yttrium iron garnet in a wide temperature range from 30 K to 380K. By comparing the BLS results with previous microwave measurements, we revealed the direct relation between the damping of the condensed and the parametrically injected magnons. The enhanced supercurrent dynamics was detected at 180 K near the minimum of BEC damping.
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