Propagation of the Measurement Error and the Measured Mean of a Physical Quantity for Elementary Functions ax and loga x


  • G. G. Rode Institute of Physics, Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukraine



propagation of an error, propagation of an uncertainty


Rules have been obtained for the propagation of the error and the mean value for a measured physical quantity onto another one with a functional relation of the type ax or loga x between them. In essence, these rules are inherently based on the Gaussian weight scheme. Therefore, they should be valid in the framework of a real Gaussian weight scheme applied to discrete data of a real physical experiment (a sample). An analytical form that was used to present the rules concerned (“analytical propagation rules”) and their character allow the processing and the analysis of experimental data to be simplified and accelerated.


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How to Cite

Rode, G. G. (2019). Propagation of the Measurement Error and the Measured Mean of a Physical Quantity for Elementary Functions ax and loga x. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 64(5), 371.



General physics