High-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation for the Envelope of Slowly Modulated Gravity Waves on the Surface of Finite-Depth Fluid and its Quasi-Soliton Solutions
gravity waves, finite depth, slow modulations, wave envelope, wave envelopemultiple-scale expansions, nonlinear Schrödinger equationAbstract
We consider the high-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation derived earlier by Sedletsky [Ukr. J. Phys. 48(1), 82 (2003)] for the first-harmonic envelope of slowly modulated gravity waves on the surface of finite-depth irrotational, inviscid, and incompressible fluid with flat bottom. This equation takes into account the third-order dispersion and cubic nonlinear dispersive terms. We rewrite this equation in dimensionless form featuring only one dimensionless parameter kℎ, where k is the carrier wavenumber and ℎ is the undisturbed fluid depth. We show that one-soliton solutions of the classical nonlinear Schrödinger equation are transformed into quasi-soliton solutions with slowly varying amplitude when the high-order terms are taken into consideration. These quasi-soliton solutions represent the secondary modulations of gravity waves.
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