Long-Wave High-Frequency Oscillations in Ionic Crystals with Two Atoms in Elementary Cell


  • A. A. Stupka Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University




long-wave oscillations, phonon-polariton, ion plasma frequency


Long-wave high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations in an ionic crystal with two atoms in an elementary cell have been considered in the framework of a self-consistent model for free point charges in the electromagnetic field in a dielectric medium. The frequency of longitudinal phonons is shown to equal the ionic plasma frequency divided by the square root of the high-frequency dielectric permittivity. The standard dispersion law for the upper phonon-polariton branch is obtained.



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How to Cite

Stupka, A. A. (2018). Long-Wave High-Frequency Oscillations in Ionic Crystals with Two Atoms in Elementary Cell. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 58(9), 863. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe58.09.0863



Solid matter