The Quantum analysis of Nondegenerate Three-Level Laser with Spontaneous Emission and Noiseless Vacuum Reservoir
operator dynamics, quadrature squeezing, second-order correlations, photon entanglementAbstract
The analysis of quantum properties of the cavity light produced by a coherently driven nondegenerate three-level laser possessing an open cavity and coupled to a two-mode vacuum reservoir is presented. The normal ordering of noise operators associated with the vacuum reservoir is considered. Applying the solutions of the equations of evolution for the expectation values of the atomic operators and the quantum Langevin equations for the cavity mode operators, the squeezing properties, entanglement amplification, and the normalized second-order correlation function of the cavity radiation are described. The three-level laser generates squeezed light under certain conditions, with maximum intracavity squeezing being 50% below the vacuum-state level. Moreover, it is found that the presence of spontaneous emission increases the quadrature squeezing and entanglement and decreses the mean photon number of the two-mode cavity radiation.
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