Interfacial Layers and the Shear Elasticity of the Collagen–Water System


  • L. A. Bulavin Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
  • Yu. F. Zabashta Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
  • L. Yu. Vergun Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
  • O. S. Svechnikova Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
  • A. S. Yefimenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics



collagen, shear modulus, polymer mesh, chain configuration


A hypothesis has been put forward that, in collagen hydrogels, there exist interfacial water layers surrounding the collagen helices. A model of interfacial water layer is proposed which does not contradict experimental data on the shear elasticity of collagen hydrogels. Such layers can exist in a loose connective tissue and prove its supporting function.


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How to Cite

Bulavin, L. A., Zabashta, Y. F., Vergun, L. Y., Svechnikova, O. S., & Yefimenko, A. S. (2019). Interfacial Layers and the Shear Elasticity of the Collagen–Water System. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 64(1), 34.



Physics of liquids and liquid systems, biophysics and medical physics

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