The Massless Limit of Bargmann–Wigner Equations for a Massive Graviton


  • A. V. Hradyskyi V.N. Karazin National University of Kharkiv
  • Yu. P. Stepanoskiy National Science Center Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology



Bargman–Wigner equation, massive graviton, wave equations


Information about the discovery of gravity waves attract attention to the graviton’s mass problem. The massive graviton is a spin-2 particle with a non-zero mass. In this work, relativistic wave equations for a massive graviton have been studied in the limiting case of zero particle mass. The equations for the non-zero-mass graviton are based on the Bargman–Wigner equations in the five-dimensional space-time with the (++++−) signature. In the massless limit of massive graviton, all states with possible helicity values –0 (LL-graviton), ±1 (TL-graviton), and ±2 (TT-graviton) –are preserved.


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How to Cite

Hradyskyi, A. V., & Stepanoskiy, Y. P. (2018). The Massless Limit of Bargmann–Wigner Equations for a Massive Graviton. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 63(7), 584.



Fields and elementary particles